Friday, January 29, 2016

Custom Skins and weapons releases

Few renders of Custom Private Skins Well, maybe i will release some of them. 1st. V.S.C Hunter corps 2nd. H.E.C.U Marine. like in Half life  3rd. US Soldier ACU 4th. US Soldier Zombie (No pics yet) 5th. VSC Exo with custom Boba fett like helmet 6th. VSC Officer 7th. VSC Captain More are coming ! V.S.C Hunter Corps  H.E.C.U Marine U.S Soldier US Soldier Zombie Here is FN-FAL i got from CSGO The Fusil...

Saturday, January 16, 2016

[REL]Skins and gun release + some news and updates

Hey whats up everyone, wish yall fine and safe. Great news, i just got a pack full of csgo weapons,killzone weapons and bf4 weapons. Annnddd, after few months of trying, now i know how to convert ped models to gta sa !!!! Thanks to my bro diegoforfun, he is awesome! Here is my first project. Msb exoskeleton from warface, reskinned,recoloured edited by me Added some stuff. More updates coming soon And dont worry, this wont stop me making those...