Saturday, April 30, 2016

[REL]Vice weapons pack

Finally !'m back !Professional's weapons. no sawn noob and shit.Vice weapons pack, inspired by Vice city. loved that game.Features:-Custom icon-Custom Skins-Good quality model-Good quality texturePack containing:-AA-12 Automatic Shotgun-AWP Sniper-M4A1-Desert EagleEnjoy !  DOWNLO...

Thursday, April 28, 2016

[WIP]Vice weapons pack

Hey guys ! sorry for the inactivity. so i have some problems with my internet at the moment so i can't release mods everyday !but i made a nice weapon pack for you guys, inspired by GTA Vice city. status : 90%. coming soon !  grin emoti...

Monday, April 25, 2016

[REL]CAR-101 + OTs-14 Groza + VKS Sniper rifle

CAR-101 The C.A.R. (Combat Advanced Round) is designed to fire a more powerful round that provides greater damage and accuracy at range, at the cost of fire rate and capacity. The C.A.R. SMG is one of the two submachine guns developed from the R-101C Carbine platform, though unlike the R-97, it has far greater power.+Suppressor+AOG Scope  DOWNLOAD OTs 14 Groza OTs 14 Groza is a Russian made bullpup assault rifle. using 7.62x39 round....

Friday, April 15, 2016

[REL]Victoria Kanayeva, SCAR MK16 and Modern AK47.

Victoria Kanayeva from Phantomers  Features:-Detailed sexy model-Good quality texture (Locked)-Topless model included (Huehuehue)  DOWNLOAD SCAR MK16 SCAR MK16 Was canceled by US SOCOM and replaced by Mk 17 7.62×51mm version and the Mk 20 sniper variant. SOCOM began removing the Mk 16 from their inventory at the end of 2011. now it lives in GTA SA xD Features: -Good quality model -Good quality texture -Fit...

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

[REL]HECU Marines pack and some weapons.

HECU Marines pack from Black mesa  So, i've been looking around for these models and i finally found them !. i've replaced the original head with MW3's head because the original head is totally messed up. so here it s! credits to Black mesa developersVersions including:-Medic-Medic with gas mask-Marine-Marine with gasmask-Marine with gasmask and night vision goggle-Marine wounded  DOWNLOAD HK416A5 Assault Rifle HK416A5 is an...

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

[REL] MP412 Rex + HBRa3 + G36E Valkyrie

MP412 Rex MP412 Rex is a Russian .357 magnum revolver. The weapon was designed by IZHMECH for export but never put into full production due to lack of a market. it use unique break-open frame rather than swing-out cylinder used by other revolvers. Features: -Good quality model -Good quality texture -Txd unlocked -Perfect in hand -Perfect for DMing (Cbug etc) DOWNLOAD HBRa3 The HBRa3 is a fully-automatic assault rifle, used by...

Friday, April 1, 2016

[REL]AA-12 pack

The Auto Assault Shotgun - 12 or AA-12 is an automatic shotgun developed by Maxwell Atchisson. wit reduced recoil, this shotgun can fire at a rate of 300 rounds per minute  -Unlocked TXD -Template available for reskin. DOWNLOAD Like my old AA-12 but with Grip, Eotech scope + grip anim for shotgspa The Auto Assault Shotgun - 12 or AA-12 is an automatic shotgun developed by Maxwell Atchisson. wit reduced recoil,...