Friday, August 25, 2017

GTA SA Redwood Cigarettes TV Commercial

Thanks for the 600+ subcribers, wow didn't notice it xD Stress kills millions of people each year, and causes divorces,  automobile accidents, and even war.  When stress is about to get you, get a Redwood. Redwood Cigarettes.  Proud Sponsor of the LS City Marathon. Programs used: -GTA SA -OBS -Alci's SAAT -Photoshop CC -Sony Vegas Pro 13.0 I do not own any of the background soundtracks inserted in this video, they have been used for entertainment purposes only. Mods: -Smoking mod -PS2 Graphics mod ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Like,...

Monday, August 14, 2017

[REL]Seburo C-30

A sturdy bullpup rifle with an extended barrel, reserved for Section 9's heavy assault.Model from Ghost In The Shell First AssaultFeatures:-HQ Model-HQ texture-Normalmap adapted-Fits well in hands.-Extra skin included  DOWNLOAD Enjoy !Visit my sites !

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

GTA SA The Military TV Commercial

It’s a career that lasts a lifetime.  A career where you’re -always- on  the winning team.  Put your skills to work- in the military. In this job, you not only help yourself, you help your country.  Only in the military would a teenager be given responsibilities like driving a nuclear submarine, maneuvering a tank, or dropping high-ordinance explosives.  Make a change for yourself- in the military. Be...

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

[REL]Pindad SS2-V2

Pindad SS2-V2 The SS2 (short for Indonesian: Senapan Serbu 2, "Assault Rifle 2") is a replacement for the Pindad SS1 created by PT Pindad. It had been seen during the ASEAN Army Rifles contest by foreign media in 2006 aside from exposure by local Indonesian media.  Features:  -HQ Model  -HQ texture  -Normalmap adapted  -Fits well in hands.  DOWNLOAD Base model from Point Blank  Carry Handle...

[REL]AH-1W Super Cobra Gunship

It's not actually Super Cobra in game but it's based on it.  The Bell AH-1 SuperCobra is a twin-engine attack helicopter based on the United States Army's single-engine AH-1 Cobra. The twin Cobra family, itself part of the larger Huey family, includes the AH-1J SeaCobra, the AH-1T Improved SeaCobra, and the AH-1W SuperCobra. The AH-1W has been the backbone of the United States Marine Corps's attack helicopter fleet, but is being replaced...

Sunday, July 2, 2017


The MP7 is a German Personal Defence Weapon (PDW) manufactured by Heckler & Koch (H&K) and chambered for the HK 4.6×30mm cartridge. Model by spacepirate Features: -HQ Model -HQ Texture -Silenced version included -Replaces MP5 and Micro UZI -dkk2pac's Normalmap plugin Adapted  DOWNLOADEnjoy ! Visit my sites !

Thursday, June 22, 2017

[REL]M249 Light Machine Gun

Another gun from your friendly neighborhood arms dealer ! this time, its the M249 light machine gun (LMG), formerly designated the M249 Squad Automatic Weapon (SAW), and formally written as Light Machine Gun, 5.56 mm, or the .223 military rnd. The M249, is the American adaptation of the Belgian FN Minimi, a light machine gun manufactured by the Belgian company FN Herstal (FN).  Features:  -HQ Model  -HQ Texture  -3...

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

[REL]Volk Energy Assault Rifle

Full-auto energy rifle. Deploys a best-in-class stopping power at a low, dependable fire rate.  The Volk (referred to as AKE in the game files) is an energy assault rifle in Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare. It boasts the best damage of all the assault rifles, but it possesses a less-than-stellar cyclic fire rate. The Volk seems to be made out of spare parts of the AK-47, with wires, batteries, an energy muzzle and a polymer stock being...

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

[REL]Unidad AMV Ghost Recon Wildlands

Preview Video: Features:  -HQ model-HQ Texture-ImVehFt adapted-Custom collison (Enterable back)Converted from Ghost Recon Wildlands by Vindicator ModsRipped by Ravenov  DOWNLOAD Dont reupload without permissionDont miss the preview video !and dont forget to subscribe and like !Visit my sites ! ! DOWNL...

Sunday, June 4, 2017

[REL]X-Eon from COD Infinite Warfare

Full-auto energy rifle. Advanced recoil compensator provides focus hip fire. Aiming down sights increases fire rate. Integrated optics provide enhanced detection capabilities.  Features:-HQ Model-HQ Texture-Grip/No Grip version included.-3 Texture variants-1 Bonus Epic Warsight skin.-Normalmap plugin adapted  DOWNLOAD Visit my sites !

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

[REL]Goliath UGV

The Goliath is a 6-wheeled all-wheel drive semi-autonomous ground attack drone. It can ram through most buildings, is equipped with advanced computers, including a synthensized version of a self-preservation instinct, with it moving out of immediate enemy fire when attacking. It can carry up to 8,000 pounds of armor and ordinance.Features-All working wheels-Custom collisions-HQ Model-HQ Texture-Working turret-Working gun Visit my sites...

Thursday, May 11, 2017

[REL]LVOA-C Ghost Recon Wildlands

The LVOA-C is a direct gas-impingement (DGI) operated rifle based on the AR-15. It features a proprietary barrel shroud with an integrated muzzle brake/flash suppressor which serves its intended manufacturing purpose to be a close quarter combat weapon with a low visibility operation application (LVOA). The assault rifle features both chamber options of 5.56X45mm NATO rounds and .223 Wylde. manufactured by North Carolina-based War Sport Industries.  Features:-Normalmap...

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Work in progress !

Hey guys ! got some new models ported, here are some screenshots LVOA-C From Ghost Recon Wildlands (95%) Goliath from Homefront : The Revolution (90%) AMV From Ghost Recon Wildlands (50%)...

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Official Call Of Duty : WARGROUND Trailer

This is a Team DeathMatch server. You can act as a soldier to fight against your team's enemies. There are several teams available for which you can choose to play on, along with classes that have its own abilities of which you can choose upon reaching the required rank to choose a specfic class. You can do certain tasks to earn score, money, and EXP such as capturing zones, stealing zone flags, and many more tasks. superweapons are available...

Thursday, April 6, 2017

[REL]CSGO Desert Eagle skins pack

CSGO Desert Eagle Pack with StatTrak, Normalmap and reflection by VindiCaToR  Credits:  -Valve  -The skins creators.  Contains:  Desert Eagle Conspiracy  Desert Eagle Corinthian  Desert Eagle Corroden  Desert Eagle Kumicho Dragon  Desert Eagle Naga  Desert Eagle Pilot  Desert Eagle Mecha Industries  Use Dk22pac's Normalmap plugin to activate the normalmap and reflection.  The...

Friday, March 31, 2017

[REL]CSGO M4A1-S Skins Pack

CSGO M4A1-S Pack with Normalmap and reflection by VindiCaToR Credits: -Valve -The skins creators. Contains: M4A1-S Freeze M4A1-S Gold Coil M4A1-S Basilisk M4A1-S Hyper Beast M4A1-S Lince M4A1-S Masterpiece Use Dk22pac's Normalmap plugin to activate the normalmap and reflection. The mod will work with or without the...

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

GTA VCS Remastered PC Trailer (FanMade)

This is a total conversion modification for Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, which transforms the game into the PlayStation exclusive Vice City Stories. "Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories PC Edition" is a Total Conversion Modification for Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, bringing you a port that Rockstar never gave you. In this modification we will be converting the map, all the characters, vehicles and weapons from the ORIGINAL game...

Thursday, March 23, 2017


Anyway, i finally found a way to add normal maps and reflections to weapons and skins it looks more realistic and cool The file will be bigger though. WIP Blackbeard from Rainbow 6 Siege with Normalmap Without normalmap: With normalmap:   ...

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

[REL]Survarium Weapons Pack V2

a weapons pack from Survarium  Contains: -Magnum revolver -Remington 700 -SPAS-12 -AKMN -SR2M -FN Minimi -OTs-02 Kiparis Warning: The models are in HQ may cause lag in low pc. Note: You need DK22Pac's normalmap plugin to make the normalmap and reflection works. the mod can still work without the plugin. DOWNLOAD Don't forget to visit My Sites, and...

Monday, March 6, 2017

[REL]RAH-66 Comanche

The Boeing–Sikorsky RAH-66 Comanche was an advanced five-blade  armed reconnaissance and attack helicopter designed for the United States Army. Features: -HQ Detailed model -HQ textures -Detailed interior -Openable door -4 Versions included -Rotor Blur feature (Silent's Patch required) DOWNLOAD Big thanks to SkylineGTRFreak for giving me this awesome model Check out his channel: Found...

Friday, February 24, 2017


A friend of mine recorded this, and he reported this guy Nemesis in MW3 Forums, and guess what? he got forum banned and the topic got deleted. it created an outrage in my clan's whatsapp group. This is unfair !. so i told my friends on facebook they were laughing and one of them decided to post another report on MW3 Forums and of course, he got forum banned and his topic got deleted, luckily i got some screenshots of his post before...

Friday, February 17, 2017

[REL]Survarium Weapons Pack V1 updated

A weapon pack from Survarium Contains 12 Weapons -APS -BM16 -Makarov pistol -MP153 -Remington 870 -RGO Grenade -RPD -SR2M -TOZ 122 -Vepr -Vityaz-SN -Vepr 12 -VSK -M4A1 Features: -HQ Models -HQ Textures -Models fit in hands -Extra camos included -Custom icons. More are coming ! DOWNLOAD Don't forget to visit My Sites, and dont forget to sub and like :D  Meet...

Saturday, February 11, 2017


M1A1 Thompson Modernized The Thompson achieved most of its early notoriety in the hands of Prohibition and Depression-era gangsters, motorized bandits and the lawmen who pursued them, and in Hollywood films about their exploits, most notably in the St Valentine's Day Massacre.  And i found some guns from Survarium, all ready to port. Enlarge for details. pick one if you want :P ill port it ...

Thursday, February 9, 2017

[REL]DesertTech Weapons

 Micro Dynamic Rifle Desert Tech DT MDR (Micro Dynamic Rifle) is a new bull-pup assault rifle. Base version uses 7.62x51mm ammunition and equipped with 20-round magazine and EXPS2-2 holosight. Stealth Recon Scout The Desert Tech Stealth Recon Scout (SRS) is a bolt-action sniper rifle developed by the American firearm manufacturer Desert Tech (formerly Desert Tactical Arms).  Features: -HQ Model -HQ Texture -Extra camo...