Wednesday, May 24, 2017

[REL]Goliath UGV

The Goliath is a 6-wheeled all-wheel drive semi-autonomous ground attack drone. It can ram through most buildings, is equipped with advanced computers, including a synthensized version of a self-preservation instinct, with it moving out of immediate enemy fire when attacking. It can carry up to 8,000 pounds of armor and ordinance.Features-All working wheels-Custom collisions-HQ Model-HQ Texture-Working turret-Working gun Visit my sites...

Thursday, May 11, 2017

[REL]LVOA-C Ghost Recon Wildlands

The LVOA-C is a direct gas-impingement (DGI) operated rifle based on the AR-15. It features a proprietary barrel shroud with an integrated muzzle brake/flash suppressor which serves its intended manufacturing purpose to be a close quarter combat weapon with a low visibility operation application (LVOA). The assault rifle features both chamber options of 5.56X45mm NATO rounds and .223 Wylde. manufactured by North Carolina-based War Sport Industries.  Features:-Normalmap...

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Work in progress !

Hey guys ! got some new models ported, here are some screenshots LVOA-C From Ghost Recon Wildlands (95%) Goliath from Homefront : The Revolution (90%) AMV From Ghost Recon Wildlands (50%)...