Thursday, June 22, 2017

[REL]M249 Light Machine Gun

Another gun from your friendly neighborhood arms dealer ! this time, its the M249 light machine gun (LMG), formerly designated the M249 Squad Automatic Weapon (SAW), and formally written as Light Machine Gun, 5.56 mm, or the .223 military rnd. The M249, is the American adaptation of the Belgian FN Minimi, a light machine gun manufactured by the Belgian company FN Herstal (FN).  Features:  -HQ Model  -HQ Texture  -3...

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

[REL]Volk Energy Assault Rifle

Full-auto energy rifle. Deploys a best-in-class stopping power at a low, dependable fire rate.  The Volk (referred to as AKE in the game files) is an energy assault rifle in Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare. It boasts the best damage of all the assault rifles, but it possesses a less-than-stellar cyclic fire rate. The Volk seems to be made out of spare parts of the AK-47, with wires, batteries, an energy muzzle and a polymer stock being...

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

[REL]Unidad AMV Ghost Recon Wildlands

Preview Video: Features:  -HQ model-HQ Texture-ImVehFt adapted-Custom collison (Enterable back)Converted from Ghost Recon Wildlands by Vindicator ModsRipped by Ravenov  DOWNLOAD Dont reupload without permissionDont miss the preview video !and dont forget to subscribe and like !Visit my sites ! ! DOWNL...

Sunday, June 4, 2017

[REL]X-Eon from COD Infinite Warfare

Full-auto energy rifle. Advanced recoil compensator provides focus hip fire. Aiming down sights increases fire rate. Integrated optics provide enhanced detection capabilities.  Features:-HQ Model-HQ Texture-Grip/No Grip version included.-3 Texture variants-1 Bonus Epic Warsight skin.-Normalmap plugin adapted  DOWNLOAD Visit my sites !