Friday, August 25, 2017

GTA SA Redwood Cigarettes TV Commercial

Thanks for the 600+ subcribers, wow didn't notice it xD Stress kills millions of people each year, and causes divorces,  automobile accidents, and even war.  When stress is about to get you, get a Redwood. Redwood Cigarettes.  Proud Sponsor of the LS City Marathon. Programs used: -GTA SA -OBS -Alci's SAAT -Photoshop CC -Sony Vegas Pro 13.0 I do not own any of the background soundtracks inserted in this video, they have been used for entertainment purposes only. Mods: -Smoking mod -PS2 Graphics mod ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Like,...

Monday, August 14, 2017

[REL]Seburo C-30

A sturdy bullpup rifle with an extended barrel, reserved for Section 9's heavy assault.Model from Ghost In The Shell First AssaultFeatures:-HQ Model-HQ texture-Normalmap adapted-Fits well in hands.-Extra skin included  DOWNLOAD Enjoy !Visit my sites !

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

GTA SA The Military TV Commercial

It’s a career that lasts a lifetime.  A career where you’re -always- on  the winning team.  Put your skills to work- in the military. In this job, you not only help yourself, you help your country.  Only in the military would a teenager be given responsibilities like driving a nuclear submarine, maneuvering a tank, or dropping high-ordinance explosives.  Make a change for yourself- in the military. Be...