Sunday, December 6, 2015

VXA-17 Agilehawk is a VTOL Multirole Fighter jet. using forward swept wing to increase maneuverability. Base model : F-35

Inspired from Black Eagle from Command and conquer Red Alert 2

-Own collision
-90% (Mod set to private)
-Custom loadouts (Not showed)

MP 970 !
-Good quality 
-From deadpool
-Replace micro_uzi 
-More about editing and republishing are in the readme file.

UMP from Metro conflict

Custom skin
Good quality
2 Versions included
(Folded and unfolded)
Replaces mp5lng and tec9.

M4 Scorcher Self propelled artillery from Arma 3 

-HD model 
-HD texture 
-Working Tracks (Thx skyline) 
-Custom Collision.

IFV-6c Panther tracked IFV from Arma 3 

-Working lights 
-Good quality model/texture 
-Working Tracks. 
-Custom Collision

Just VH-08 Aethon with National Office Of Security Enforcement (N.O.O.S.E) Paintjob livery

Inspired by Annihilator helicopter in GTA IV/GTA V
The paintjob is similar to Homeland Security's Blackhawk.
Working on a gunship version of it.
Named it VH-69 Cuz GTA's popular number is 69 xD

Iif you dont know what aethon im talking about, its this One


  1. Sir can we have permission to use it in our game project.

  2. So is this being developed or what? I am confused what this website is

  3. Would it be possible to get the download file for the VH-08 Aethon or the VH-69 version? I have been looking for this exact concept idea of the UH60 Blackhawk - This would look amazing in a Movie Project too
