Thursday, December 29, 2016

[SAMP] Ultrastunting Random Shit

Playing Ultrastunting with Jopa, Jax, SW@T, Abbas, Martin ,Mastro ,Cappers and Cro(not ingame). doing parkour1 while talking about random shit. Play now: HostName: UltraStunting [0.3.7] Stunts, Races, Minigames Address: Players:  26 / 504 Ping:     230 Mode:     Stunt*Race*DM*Derby*Minigames Language: All(English) Liked the video? don't forget to like, subscribe and share with...

Monday, December 26, 2016

We are happy to announce that our first server Call Of Duty - Warground has been launched today as a BETA version and is on hosted tab as well.However, it might take a while for players to gather around, you are now able to join and play!Server info:HostName: The Soldier's Creed - Revolution [BETA]Address: or 1.0 BETA 1 (First release)For further details, visit our website at: www.teamdss...

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

[REL]Xmas Weapons MiniPack

Xmas Weapons MiniPack Models from: -CSO -Yogensia Credits to: -Valve -Nexon -Gamebanana -Yogensia How to install: -Get Alci's IMG Editor, IMG Tool or any IMG editor. -Open Rockstar Games/GTA San Andreas/Models/gta3.img -Replace original weapons with the weapons provided inside this zip. OR, if you want it simpler and easier. You can use Modloader. + You need asi loader...

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

[REL]COD4 MW Remastered Weapons Pack V1

Hey guys, just got these models ported. well, COD4 MW Remastered Weapons Pack V2/ Xmas pack is coming soon. COD4 MW Remastered Weapons Pack V1 a small weapons pack consist of -AK47 -Škorpion vz. 61 -Beretta M9 -G3 -Dragunov DOWNLOAD  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Visit My Sites: Meet...

Friday, November 25, 2016

[REL]UAZ-3151 COD4 MW Remastered

Yo guys ! i'm back !, like i promised i will port COD4 MWR  Models . so here is another one the UAZ-469  The UAZ-469 is an off-road military light utility vehicle manufactured by UAZ. It was used by Soviet and other Warsaw Pact armed forces, as well as paramilitary units in Eastern Bloc countries. Features: -HQ Model -HQ Texture -ImVehFt Adapted -Extra without roof DOWNLOAD And thank you guys for the 100k Views...

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

[REL]M1A1 Abrams COD4 MW Remastered

The M1 Abrams is an American third-generation main battle tank. It is named after General Creighton Abrams, former Army chief of staff and commander of United States military forces in the Vietnam War from 1968 to 1972. Features: -Detailed model -HQ Texture 27MB -Working Wheels -Working Turret -Working Gun DOWNLOAD Model and textures are locked due to continued mod stealing. Next releases will be UAZ from COD MW1 Remasted,...

Sunday, November 13, 2016

[REL]COD4 MW Remastered SAS Pack

The Special Air Service (SAS) is a special forces unit of the British Army. The SAS was founded in 1941 as a regiment, and later reconstituted as a corps in 1950. The unit undertakes a number of roles including covert reconnaissance, counter-terrorism, direct action and hostage rescue. Features: -HQ Models -HQ Textures -Transparent glass -Weapons Included Credits to: Raven Software and Infinity Ward for the remaster and the...

Saturday, November 12, 2016

[WIP]COD4 MW Remastered S.A.S Skins

Hey, just got these cool models from the new COD4 MW Remastered . and i've ported some guns from that game, plus i got models from COD Infinite Warfare too ! Enjoy some screenshots. Captured In-Game, ENB Used: MMGE...

Friday, November 11, 2016

[REL]Leopard 2 Revolution and some WIP Screens

 The MBT Revolution is a modular upgrade package to the Leopard 2A4 main battle tanks. It was developed by Rheinmetall. This MBT was first revealed in 2010. It is also referred as Leopard 2A4 Evolution. The Leopard 2A4 was the most widespread version of the Leopard 2. It is still used by a number of countries in large numbers. So the market for upgrades remains substantial. Indonesia plans to obtain 61 Revolution MBTs. Features: -HQ...

Sunday, November 6, 2016


This is simply the most realistic and advanced ENB mod for San andreas ! Next Gen HD graphic, so awesome ! Note: This mod is not mine, i created a video of it because its AWESOME !  Author -Marty McFly MMGE 3 - McFly's Magnum Opus. Description by Marty McFly Marty McFly's Graphics Enhancement 3  This is not just another ENB config, I rewrote every aspect of ENBSeries to maximize the visual experience of...

Saturday, November 5, 2016

[REL]COD Ghosts NH90 + FB MSBS + A Painting

NH90 The NHIndustries NH90 is a medium-sized, twin-engine, multi-role military helicopter. It was developed in response to NATO requirements for a battlefield helicopter which would also be capable of being operated in naval environments. The NH90 was developed and is manufactured by NHIndustries, a collaborative company, which is owned by Airbus. Features: -HQ Model -HQ Texture -Enterable Interior -Rotor Blur...

Sunday, October 30, 2016

[REL]Halloween Weapons Pack

People celebrate halloween with candies and sweets. but here in Vindicator Defense we celebrate halloween with GUNS !  Features: -HQ Models -HQ Textures -Custom icons -Models fit in hands Mod contains 10 weapons: -Galil -Desert eagle -HK417 -Pump shotgun -AWP -XM1014 -UZI -P250 -P90 -Tec-9 Models from: -CSGO -CrossFire Credits to: -Valve -Smilegate Entertainment -Gamebanana DON'T REPUBLISH/REUPLOAD...

Thursday, October 27, 2016

A new high quality weapons pack will be coming to celebrate this year's halloween ! There will be 10 Weapons inside that pack !!  The pack will be released on 27/10/2016 OR 28/10/2016. STAY TUNED ! And here are some weapon requests. Saiga -12 Imagine an AK-47 limited to semi-automatic fire with a rebuilt chamber to house shotgun shells and you have this automatic shotgun. Extremely powerful at short range it...

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Vindicator Defense Trailer

Soo. i decided to do another advert video. but this time is my own company advert xD  Enjoy ! Sounds are not mine. Get the shotgun here: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Like, comment and subscribe and visit my sites for...

Friday, October 21, 2016

[REL]Leopard 2A7 + G28 and some notes.

Leopard 2A7 The Leopard 2A7+ was first shown to the public during the Eurosatory 2010, featuring the label "Developed by KMW - tested and qualified by German MoD". The Leopard 2A7+ has been tested by the Bundeswehr under the name UrbOp (urban operations) Features: -HQ Model -HQ Texture -FIxed camera -Working turret -Working tracks -Working wheels DOWNLOAD  G28 The G28 is a military version of the civilian semi automatic...