Saturday, November 5, 2016

[REL]COD Ghosts NH90 + FB MSBS + A Painting


The NHIndustries NH90 is a medium-sized, twin-engine, multi-role military helicopter. It was developed in response to NATO requirements for a battlefield helicopter which would also be capable of being operated in naval environments. The NH90 was developed and is manufactured by NHIndustries, a collaborative company, which is owned by Airbus. 

-HQ Model 
-HQ Texture 
-Enterable Interior 
-Rotor Blur feature (Silent's Patch needed) 

MSBS-5,56 (short for Modułowy System Broni Strzeleckiej kalibru 5,56 mm or English: Modular Firearm System 5.56mm Calibre) is an assault rifle currently under development as a future service rifle of the Polish Army. 

-HQ Model 
-HQ Texture 
-Model fit in hands 

And here is a painting i made using photoshop.

Enjoy !